Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back in The Game

en route to queenstown, we picked up a couple hitchhikers. we had plans to stop at a river that had treated us well in the past so our new friends tagged along to watch. we couldn't have been in the river more than 10 minutes before Lucas spotted a rise. four casts later a solid hookup. booyah.

around the next bend there was a nother fish rising. two casts later the fish came up to eat my fly. then i pulled it out of its mouth. sigh.

scenery moderate:


  1. keeping the hitch hikers for good luck?

  2. that Bates fly fishing hat is getting a high quality fade my man

  3. If you line those fish, you don't have to worry about pulling the fly out of their mouth, because the snagging hook usually embeds itself on the outside.
